Editor’s note: Timber rattlesnake expert William S. Brown contacted the Adirondack Explorer after publication of a story about an apparent uptick in Adirondack snake sightings this year, concerned that people might seek to harm the rattlers. What follows is his description of a usually elusive creature that has long played a role in the park’s ecosystem, and is protected by state law.
By William S. Brown
In my 40-year study of timber rattlesnakes in the southeastern Adirondacks, I have published a number of scientific papers on the life history and reproductive biology of this species. As part of this work, we have made an effort to relocate so-called “nuisance” rattlesnakes over the years, a public-private program that has saved more than 95% of the hundreds of rattlesnakes that we have rescued from campsites and private properties.
What is evident from our ongoing recovery program is that the numbers of rattlesnakes captured and relocated is quite variable from year to year, generally ranging between 10 to 15 snakes per year, but fluctuating widely. This year, whatever environmental factors might be at play, is simply one of those rare years when a few more than the typically small number of snakes are encountered.
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Following is an explanation of the snake’s natural history and behavior.
Distribution and status
In New York State, timber rattlesnakes are distributed in some two dozen counties; many populations were extirpated throughout the state over the past two centuries. The species is listed as threatened and is fully protected under New York State law. In the northeastern sector of the state, where the author’s field study is taking place, timber rattlesnakes are part of ancestral populations which have been in continuous existence for approximately 8,000 years following climatic warming and withdrawal of the most recent glacial ice sheet (the Wisconsinan glacier), followed by the development of Appalachian oak-hickory forest as prime habitat for the species.
Seasonal habits, movements and diet
Timber rattlesnakes hibernate through the winter for seven months, October through April, in underground retreats known as dens. A den enhances winter survival and maintains a stable population. After emerging, the active season lasts for five months, from May through September. Each spring, the snakes make long‑distance migrations (up to 3 miles) between their winter dens and their summer foraging grounds. In their deciduous forest habitat, timber rattlesnakes are cryptic and are seldom seen. The snakes are important predators of small mammals (shrews, mice, voles, squirrels) and thus play an important role in the natural food web and energy dynamics of the ecosystem.
Life history and survival
Over the past 40 years, the author’s field research is based on capturing, marking, and recapturing individually identified snakes. The work has revealed new information on the Timber Rattlesnake’s life history, generally described as being a long-lived and slow-reproducing species. Maximum confirmed ages exceed 40 years in the wild. Females do not reproduce for the first time until an age of 9 to 10 years. Adult females have a low birthing frequency, reproducing only at 3-year or longer intervals and giving birth to litters averaging 7 to 8 offspring. Due to the energy demands of reproduction, only about one-third of adult females are able to reproduce more than once during their lifetime. Capture-recapture modeling studies show that the survival rate in the first year is low (about 50–60%), and in older snakes annual survival is high (about 90%).
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Behavior and interaction with humans
The snake’s behavior contributes to the low danger of rattlesnake bite to hikers or campers while they are in rattlesnake country, and to homeowners whose property is within the range of the snakes. Use common-sense precautions: watch where you sit, step, and place your hands. Shy and retiring, timber rattlesnakes normally are not aggressive and will attempt to escape. In an encounter with a human, if a rattlesnake’s path of movement is impeded, it may continue to move on a given course which can be wrongly interpreted as an “attack.” However, if provoked or disturbed, or if its escape route is blocked, a timber rattlesnake may hold its ground, coiled and rattling, until the human intruder disappears.
Nuisance rattlesnakes
In the summer mating season (July and August), male rattlesnakes move frequently and may be found crossing roads or hiking trails and making unannounced visits to houses (lawns, rock walls, bird-feeding areas) and campsites. The best advice for homeowners and campers is simple: Do not approach or molest a rattlesnake—if you see one, leave it alone. The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) forest rangers and game wardens (environmental conservation officers, or ECOs), town animal control personnel or trained biologists may be called to capture and relocate a nuisance rattlesnake.
The bite of a timber rattlesnake is a serious medical emergency; the venom attacks the blood’s clotting ability and is tissue-destructive. Emergency procedures by trained medical personnel greatly reduce the risk of fatality. Hospitalization is required to receive antivenin intravenously, the definitive modern treatment. If bitten, the best nationally accepted first-aid advice is simple: Go to the nearest hospital immediately.
William S. Brown is an adjunct research biologist with the Darrin Fresh Water Institute.
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Thank you for the informative post! Snakes are super cool and helpful for the environment and local ecosystems. I am glad they’re protected.
Hey Bill,
Great to read this post, and know that you’re still working on rattler conservation over there. I’ve been teaching, guiding, and exploring in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for nearly all of the last 32 years where we have a depauperate herpetofauna, and I miss those beautiful, shy timber rattlers I studied in the Berkshires. Keep up the good work!
Can you list the counties in NY where the snake is located?
As long as they are not in my yard it’s live and let live,BUT if their in place were people/ kids / pets might get bit its say hello to Mr 12 gauge!
Dear ITG (internet tough guy), as the article clearly states, “The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) forest rangers and game wardens (environmental conservation officers, or ECOs), town animal control personnel or trained biologists may be called to capture and relocate a nuisance rattlesnake.”
Please evolve.
They are venemous snakes . I wouldn’t go out of my way to harm one but if they are where they are a danger I wouldn’t hesitate . I didn’t know rattlesnakes could be shy. Do they blush too ?
Please save these beautiful snakes. No more extinctions ever.
Mostly a good article. No mention of what one might possibly do if can not get to hospital- for example far from car or in very remote area.
Nancy, I read recently in Outdoor Life’s 2021 Complete Guide to Camping about what to do if you get bitten by a snake in the wilderness and cannot get to a hospital right away. The first thing is to stay calm. Panicking will circulate your blood faster and therefore make the venom move more quickly through your system. Clean the wound lightly, but do not flush with water. For more details, see the magazine issue. There are also snakebite kits you can bring with you. They come with a tiny suction cup apparatus. I bought mine at an Army-Navy store and it weighs less than an ounce, so it’s easy to keep it in your waistpack, pocket, etc. Not sure how well they work, but it may put the mind at ease to simply have one on you while you’re hiking. Also, 50% of snakebites are dry– meaning the snake doesn’t inject venom when it bites you. Of course relying on this statistic for your survival is not wise! Seek medical attention as soon as you can when you are bitten.
Call a cabn
Do they have this timber rattled snake in Florida.
Typically, unless you live in the northern-most area of the state, timber rattlesnakes will not be found in Florida. Even in northern Florida, I don’t imagine they’d be very common considering their preferred habitat is in drier, rocky areas. But watch out for cottonmouths! Otherwise known as water moccasins, these pit vipers are a far more aggressive cousin of the timber rattler and they live in the Everglades and in other swamps in the south.
Thank you for the article. You are obviously full of info about these guys. I have only seen 2 Timber rattlers, but many Diamond backs and Mojave.
I have a sincere question about Rattlesnakes and I would appreciate your answer. Here it is: Can you pls explain why humans should keep rattlesnakes when many non-venomous snakes provide the same benefits? Is there some role a rattlesnake performs that is unlike any other snake? (I seriously neither know or nor understand)
I am a rancher in Wyoming I kill every one I encounter have had horses bitten also family and friends have had dogs bitten that is really bad there are plenty of other snakes that eat the same thing as rattle snakes I don’t think you could kill all of them I have worked with dozer drivers that uncover huge dens of them also I have known people bitten and they always have problems so keep them in your yard I want to know if you feel bad we don’t still have Trex running around the country plus many other thinks that kill or eat you
Had a baby timber rattle snake in my driveway. Just outside of Saranac Lake.
It is illegal to kill a Timber rattlesnake in NYS. Their value includes the same potential inherent in maintains any form of biodiversity- you never know what research may uncover. Moreover, rattlesnake venom may provide treatments or the foundation for new drugs that help people. They also eat rodents that carry ticks that may be infected with Lyme disease or other pathogens. Finally, they are simply part of the the fauna that enriches our environment: they are beautiful and “shy” in the sense that they avoid human contact and either hold still during or try to escape human encounters. They only bite when suddenly surprised, stepped on, or handled.
Keep up the good work educating people about these beautiful snakes. People need to realize that its just not necessary to destroy them. Thank god for Prof Brown and his numerous studies and articles educating and quashing ignorance