Forest bathing photo gallery
Multimedia reporter Mike Lynch put together a gallery of photos he took on a forest bathing session held at Paul Smith’s College’s Visitor Information Center.
The last issue of Adirondack Explorer for the year is now live and we’ve highlighted a few stories from it on the website this past week:
- Missed connections: Charter is required to add underserved or unserved upstate residences and businesses to its high-speed network without charging the new customers for infrastructure. With a deadline in 2021, officials are concerned they won’t deliver. READ MORE
- Forest bathing: Science supports what many of us already know about the therapeutic benefits of being outside READ MORE
- Community trails: Great trail systems exist in many of our Adirondack towns and villages. READ MORE
This week’s top stories
BREAKING RECORDS, MAKING HISTORY: Last month, Katie Rhodes and Bethany Garretson hiked all of the Adirondacks’ 46 High Peaks in one continuous trek, without any outside assistance. Find out how they did it and other trip logistics. READ MORE
LOST IN THE WOODS: Last week’s DEC Forest Ranger report contained five different search and rescues, which caught many readers’ attention. READ MORE
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