Path through the Tri-Lakes area draws wanted and unwanted attention
By Mike Lynch
Access, promotion, and crime were some of the themes at a public meeting about the development of the Adirondack Rail Trail Wednesday evening at the state Adirondack Park Agency headquarters in Ray Brook.
The meeting was hosted by the state Department of Environmental Conservation, and project manager Keith Carrow and Lt. Forest Ranger Megan Lapierre gave updates on their beats before taking questions.
The 34-mile rail trail runs from Lake Placid to Tupper Lake and goes through the communities of Saranac Lake and Lake Clear. The multi-use trail is being topped with a hard-packed limestone stone dust, except where asphalt is being used in villages. The path is geared toward cyclists and other pedestrian uses from spring to fall and snowmobiles and skiers in the winter.
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But the project is still far from complete, with phase one from Lake Placid to Saranac Lake expected to finish in November. The next two phases are expected to be completed in the coming years. In the meantime, the land managers have faced several issues.
Forest rangers have increased their presence on the trail and have been working to curb illegal activities, LaPierre said.
That includes issuing an estimated 20 to 30 tickets for motorized use on the trail for ATV and dirt bikes. The majority of illegal motorized use has taken place within 5 miles of Tupper Lake from Washington Street to Lead Pond to the east, LaPierre said.

Recent crimes
Forest rangers have also stepped up their presence near some houses that are suspected to be used by drug dealers.
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“Lately, cars will pull in, see the rangers, and turn right back around,” LaPierre said.
Forest rangers also worked with the State Police a few months ago to apprehend a pair of men who used the rail trail to access at least some of the camps and homes they burglarized.
In May, State Police arrested Michael DeRosia, of Tupper Lake, and Ethan Bush, of Piercefield, for burglaries in Tupper Lake, Brighton and Santa Clara, including some camps off Back Bay on Hoel Pond along the rail trail. Police sent out a press release in June trying to locate Derosia, indicating that he liked to travel between Piercefield and Lake Clear on an ATV.
State Police wouldn’t confirm to the Explorer that the trail was used by people breaking into camps, but LaPierre said at the meeting the trail has been used for that purpose.
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Kent Macafee, who has a home off Hoel Pond in Santa Clara, told the Explorer in early August that someone broke windows in his shed and took an empty gas container. He suspected they were looking for gas for an ATV.
Residents have reported increased use of the rail trail by dirt bikes and ATVs in that area since the tracks were taken out a few years ago.
Adirondack Rail Trail Association Executive Director Brian Woods told the Explorer that the presence of the trail isn’t the issue— it’s that people are breaking the law. But he anticipates illegal activity on the trail fading once the trail is open.
“The moment the trail opens we’re going to have hundreds or thousands of people there every week,” Woods said.
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He said trail users will likely help police the route by taking photos and reporting illegal activities to authorities. But right now, that’s not the case on the rail trail.
“It’s in this very vulnerable state where individuals can go out there and feel like they can do whatever they want,” Woods said.
The other unauthorized use happening in recent years is that people have been cycling or walking on closed sections of trail where construction crews are working. DEC spokeswoman Erin Hanczyk said this causes a safety concern and makes workers more cautious.
“It does slow down progress,” she said.

Access for businesses
Chrissie Wais, owner of the Belvedere Restaurant in Saranac Lake, voiced a different kind of problem. She said a fence is being constructed by crews between her property, where there is a parking lot, and the rail trail. She wants users to come off the trail and solicit her business. Part of the reason she purchased the property a few years ago was that she anticipated getting customers from the path.
“This morning I wake up and there’s a fence going in across the access to the trail,” she said.
Wais expressed concern of a lack of communication between the DEC and business owners about fencing and how to connect trails to businesses.
DEC officials responded by saying fencing was only put in areas where it’s needed for public safety or environmental reasons, and they told Wais they would have a follow-up meeting to discuss her concerns. Carrow noted there is a steep embankment along this section of trail, including where it borders the Belvedere’s property.

Several audience members wanted to know more about the DEC’s plans for signage and access for businesses.
“I’m surprised that you weren’t anticipating that businesses would want access,” said Tony Goodwin, a long-time rail trail advocate. “There should have been a recognition that this is a very different trail from all the other trails that DEC manages on state land.”
“Businesses really need to be accommodated,” he said.
DEC said it would be convening meetings of a signage committee in the near future and work to address these issues. Public safety and information will be first on its sign agenda and then promotional ones.
Hanczyk said the trail will be promoted through its website, press releases and social media. Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism, along with cycling and snowmobiling organizations including ARTA, will also be touting it.
DEC forester Rob Daley said he anticipated trail user apps would direct people to amenities off the trail.
Dan Ladd, editor of New York Outdoor News, asked if hunters and anglers would be allowed to use the trails to access state lands. He also asked if trails for anglers are being developed to waters.
LaPierre said hunters would be allowed to carry firearms on the trail but wouldn’t be allowed to hunt from it or shoot across it. A plan hasn’t been developed for fishing access, but Carrow said one could be developed.
“Right now, we’re just getting the trail built,” Carrow said.
While I understand the appeal, I personally feel that allowing snowmobiles on the trail detracts from the tranquility of nature due to the noise they create. Even though they may not physically damage the trail, the auditory disturbance can diminish the natural experience for many
If it wasn’t for a ton of legwork done by the snowmobilers, this trail might not be a reality!
While I genuinely recognize the dedication and enthusiasm of snowmobilers, I find it somewhat challenging to discern the extent to which they could have impacted the trail’s creation and sustainability so significantly. While their involvement might have had some positive aspects, the potential environmental and auditory disturbances posed by recreational snowmobile use, such as noise pollution, cannot be overlooked. It’s my belief that snowmobiles, given their potential to affect the environment and other trail users, should be reserved for authorized personnel who use them for maintenance, safety, and other necessary tasks. It’s vital to strike a balance between acknowledging the contributions of snowmobilers and ensuring the trail remains a serene and ecologically intact space for everyone.
The snowmobile noise standard is required to be 73 decibels. Please read.
The noise standard only applies to individual sleds. Still too loud especially with numerous sleds passing by,
Without a doubt, I’ve observed that frequently, snowmobilers come in sizable numbers, which amplifies the noise and contributes to environmental degradation. This often drives wildlife away and disrupts the serenity of our natural surroundings. Furthermore, the rising concern of theft and associated crimes are alarming. Transitioning to human-powered modes of transportation without engines would not only diminish these problems but would also simplify the process of apprehending culprits.
Decibel levels are not linear they are logarithmic. So a group does not get louder than a single sled. There are also many multi-use trails across NYS that are shared by snowmobilers and other user groups. The NYS canal trail is one as well as many in the western New York region, Canada and other snow belt states. And to accuse the snowmobile community of looting when it is not even winter is despicable. What is despicable is the under handed dealings of certain a APA official who has used their position for their own gain in the Saranac Lake region. A never ending song of NYS bureaucratic corruption.
Understood, but the actions of individuals, whether on a snowmobile or not, shouldn’t reflect the entire community. Just like any vehicle, a snowmobile can be used with good or ill intent. If other motorized vehicles are prohibited in certain areas for specific reasons, it’s worth discussing whether those same reasons apply to snowmobiles and ensuring that regulations are consistent and fair for all.
The New York State Snowmobile Association has been issued the winter use permit for the travel corridor from NYS for the past 25 plus years.The local snowmobile clubs along the corridor have signed groomed and made it work for those years. The snowmobile community insures the corridor in the winter months as required under the permit. We are far from being new users to this corridor. Oh, and a snowmobile has a special vehicle classification under NYS law. That is why we are allowed and other motorized used is not in the park.
Nate this train has left the station so to speak. Snowmobiles were part of this compromise if the state were to kick them out now the well would be so poisoned and nobody could ever trust them again.
I would recommend time of use access restrictions. Certain days or certain times of day would allow snowmobile use. Other days and times would be for non snowmobile users. Mixing snowmobiles with skiers and snowshoers is a recipe for Danger and even Death. Another idea is to transition to only battery electric snowmobiles with public chargers along the route. This would eliminate emissions and reduce noise. But mixing users with less noise might be even more dangerous.
Just because one way of measuring sound levels is logarithmic (decibels-dB(A)) doesn’t mean that a group of sleds is no louder than a single sled. For another example several loudspeakers are much louder than a single one.
Bob, you do realize that the snowmobile clubs will have the burden of maintaining these trails with no additional funds from walkers, bikers and cross country skiers. Maybe those 3 communities could chip in for grooming efforts and make it a true multi use trail.
Again this has already been decided. There were many public comment periods to suggest these things, the deal is sealed.
I hope that there will be infrastructure installed to allow for cameras/surveillance in the future to catch any crime being committed by using the trail.
It is sad, but probably will be necessary given DEC staffing. It will also be necessary for camp owners to upgrade the security of their property and minimize valuables left at camp. DEC certainly underestimated the appeal of the trail for ne’er-do-wells. Tightened security should have started once the rails were removed. Signage and fences won’t take the place of enforcement.
It’s too bad, you used to not need to worry much about “security” at camp.
Seems safer at home these days, sad.
This thing is turning into the debacle that some warned it would, didn’t expect it so fast..
At this point, it isn’t a rail trail, it is a 34 mile construction zone under the control of various agencies and contractors. Perhaps give it a chance to operate as intended for a season before calling it a “debacle”.
Opening Pandora’s box.
This was never going to be the unmixed blessing the trail advocates promised. Ripping out the rail line is going to go down as one of the biggest mistakes ever inflicted on the tri lakes.
“The moment the trail opens we’re going to have hundreds or thousands of people there every week,” said a pro-trail person.
It’s a good thing marijuana is legal now because some of the trail advocates are smoking some really good stuff !
Upgrading the railroad to a viable level would probably have cost less and kept a lot of the issues away. Trains self-regulate tresspassing.
As a proponent of keeping the railroad intact — I say give them the chance to finish the trail, and see ‘if they will come’.
Just don’t expect any more State money to fix any shortfalls or ‘surprises’. We should expect the ARTA people to step up to the plate if that becomes necessary.
You got that right Larry, what a debacle as Paul noted. Once people realize this they will want the tracks back, so many benefits when the railroad was in town. Time to put the tracks back.
Bad look for the DEC staff overseeing this. No thought to local businesses ? Really? Rob Daly at it again with nonsense like the illegal road re-built in Tahawus… how did that get swept under the rug so well ? Maybe the explorer should follow up.
Wow after reading these comments there is a lot of gloom and doom out there.
Snowmobile usage is probably a mistake. Noise pollution for sure but pretty much eliminates cross country skiing and snowshoeing. Too many yahoos like the ones around Old Forge. They have enough trails already.
How does snowmobiling eliminate cross country skiing and snowshoeing???
I have been cross country skiing on a no-snowmibile trail and had to dive into the brush to keep from being flattened by a snowmobile. I would never choose to ski where they are allowed.
Flattened?? Maybe a little exaggeration?? I’ve never had any issues with snowmobiles while XC country skiing. And I’ve never had any issues with XC skiers while snowmobiling. Sad that when someone doesn’t like something it needs to be banned or eliminated
Please give the trail a chance! I know some were disappointed the trail did not continue its rail function ,but these kind of trails have been a great success throughout the U.S..As a avid cyclist, I can’t wait until it’s completed and my friends and family can come for a group weekend visit! ( Conn.).
Exactly! The trail is hardly a “debacle” and there’s no reason to think it will ever wear that label. It will be a true asset throughout the Tri Lakes region, not just for the users of the trail either, since businesses near the trail will get a boost from riders, whatever the season. Snowmobiles have used this corridor for years and there’s no reason to think that continuing that use will cause any problems which haven’t already been seen and dealt with. Bottom line – stop complaining and lets see what the reality of the trail becomes.
I say give snowmobiling a chance, and I’m not even a snowmobiler! Huge for winter businesses along the trail. I live in a town where snowmobiling is an economic boost, at least when there’s snow. Again, not to mention the work they’ve done (yes, and everyone else too. Sorry for hurt feelings). I just remember the early days of ARTA and how everyone worked together. Keep it that way.
The set-up in Saranac Lake with all the asphalt and the railings and fences, that is not what I saw in their plans. Who is making sure they adhere to the original plan? Can they just wing it?
Will e bikes be permitted on the rail trail
I don’t think so. Motorized not permitted in the forest preserve, only snowmobiles are allowed. I don’t even know how they can build this thing legally? TRP I guess.
Class 1 e-bikes will be allowed between Tupper Lake and Lake Placid.
Class 1 e-bike motors are actuated only by pedaling and the motors turn when the speed exceeds 20mph.
Sounds motorized to me?
ATVs and Dirtbikes on the trail ….what a surprize!!
GEE…..nobody saw that coming !!!!
If you think that, I have a bridge to sell you ……..
When I think about how AdkAction sponsored the Camoin Study and then Lee Keet and Dick Beamish went to work and started ARTA which raised money, held public meetings, went to town meetings and even went to court to argue for the rail trail, I get so angry at the nay sayers on this site. It was so many years ago and the untold hours put in by volunteers over those years to raise the money for this project and to push it forward should humble us all. The unsightly and temporary construction paraphernalia will disappear, nature will blur the raw edges and all will look wonderful. And without the snow mobile association this would have never gotten off the ground. ARTA will deal with any kinks after it opens. And I am sure that the tracks and the trains will never return.
Biggest mistake ever removing the rails. There aint much in Tupper Lake.