While towns consider whether to opt out, some say the park is perfect for marijuana tourism
By Janet Reynolds
Cannabis advocates may have done a happy dance March 31 when New York State became the 16th state to legalize adult recreational cannabis use, but so far Adirondack Park town officials are taking a wait-and-see approach.
The governor’s office is projecting that the adult-use cannabis market could reach $4 billion statewide upon maturity and generate up to $350 million annually in tax revenue. The Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act (MRTA) establishes the local excise tax on the sale of cannabis products at 4% of the products’ price. Counties would receive 25% of the local retail tax revenue while 75% would go to each municipality hosting a dispensary.
While the potential tax revenue sounds alluring for a region that struggles to lure commercial ventures, town officials contacted for this article universally said it was too soon to tell if their town would be willing to host a cannabis retail dispensary.
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“We’re not sure about a dispensary,” says Lake Placid Deputy Mayor Pete Holdereid. “What if it causes more law enforcement problems? If people think they have the right to get stoned, like alcohol, the more you smoke the stupider you’re going to be.”
Under the law, each town has until Dec. 31 to opt out of allowing a dispensary or on-site consumption license for something like a spa that uses cannabis products in their municipality. Municipalities cannot opt out of adult-use legalization. In other words, town officials cannot prevent people from using cannabis in their towns.

To some extent this wait-and-see approach is driven by the fact that the MRTA regulations are still being crafted. The Office of Cannabis Management created under the law will regulate the recreational and existing medical marijuana programs. The office will be overseen by a five-member Cannabis Control Board. Three members of that board will be appointed by the governor, while the Senate and Assembly will each appoint one member. An advisory board made up of 13 members—six appointed by the legislature and seven appointed by the governor—will provide additional guidance. It is expected that retail adult-use recreational sales will not likely happen for at least 18 months.
The Cannabis Control Board will determine the appropriate number and placement of adult-use dispensaries. How many of those will end up in the Adirondack Park remains to be seen. Currently Curaleaf, one of the largest cannabis companies in the world, has a medical dispensary in Plattsburgh. The company is interested in expanding its presence in New York State, but the exact locations are unknown, according to Patrik Jonsson, regional president of the Northeast. Jonsson oversees the company’s operations in Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Vermont.
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“We believe New York will be one of the top five or three (cannabis use) states in the country based on sheer population and tourism. And that’s not just for New York City but for other parts of New York too,” Jonsson says.
“We forecast 20,000-30,000 jobs being added as a result in this industry,” he adds, noting this figure does not include support and ancillary services, which can provide additional employment options. “We’ve seen that in other states. There’s a lot of opportunity all around.”
The social and economic equity program built into the new law could help the Park at least partially. Aimed at helping individuals disproportionately impacted by cannabis enforcement, the program has a goal of having 50% of licenses go to minority or women-owned businesses as well as those owned by distressed farmers or service-disabled veterans.
A look at which communities and businesses fared well during the pandemic
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Residents in Chestertown already know the potential economic benefits of having a cannabis business in town. Etain, one of ten medical marijuana growers and processors in New York, has employed 30 people at its growing and production facility for a few years. Now it plans to expand its Chestertown production plant to include a greenhouse and warehouse. Town Supervisor Craig Leggett calls the expansion welcome news. “We’re a mature community,” he says, noting Etain plans to add 15 more full-time employees with the expansion. “There’s not a lot of job growth going on. With a small rural population where a large employer would have 12 employees, this is very good.”
Leggett understands, though, why some town officials and park residents are reluctant to embrace hosting a dispensary or on-site consumption site such as a spa. “There are always concerns about having a cannabis dispensary in town. Who would come there?” he says. “You don’t want to aid and abet bad behavior or the overuse of drugs because they’re so easily available.”

“I don’t think we’ll be starting a marijuana campaign for the Adirondacks.”
Jim McKenna, Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism
And yet the need to fill the empty Main Street storefronts plaguing so many Adirondack towns remains a park-wide concern. “When you look at our downtowns, so many have vacant storefronts. Every community has that,” Leggett says.
Debating the addition of a dispensary, however, is often a complicated community discussion. “What is next to the dispensary? A tattoo parlor or a gift shop?” Leggett says. “Those are the questions community people have and are concerned about.”
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A former Colorado resident, Leggett has seen firsthand how dispensaries can be integrated in a town. He visits family who live in a Colorado town about the size of Glens Falls. “You see how the dispensaries fit in,” he says. “You have enough commercial activities so the dispensaries fit in.”
Regardless of which park towns decide to allow cannabis facilities, the likely reality is that the park will only get a few dispensaries. The Cannabis Control Board will determine the appropriate number and placement of adult-use cannabis dispensaries. Criteria will include population density as well as equity concerns per the law.
Jim McKenna of ROOST thinks the equity program could help the ADKs. “It could offer avenues for real diversity for our region,” he says.
A more likely way for the Adirondack Park to benefit from cannabis legalization is via tourism. Tourism annually brings in $2 billion, according to McKenna.
A look at Colorado, which legalized cannabis in 2012, shows the potential for the park. Like the Adirondacks, Colorado is a mecca for outdoor activities. According to one study, an additional 120,000 hotel rooms were rented monthly once tourists in Colorado could purchase marijuana legally.
“Cannabis promotes creativity and communication. It can complement experiences,” says Brian Applegarth, founder of Cannabis Travel Association International. “That’s how I see cannabis expanding in travel.”
Studies show that cannabis-motivated travelers are 29% of the active travel audience in the U.S. “These people are motivated by the ability of finding cannabis related activities,” Applegarth says, noting they are luxury travelers, food and wine enthusiasts, and outdoor activities enthusiasts. “When you look at the top descriptions of these travelers, you see an appetite to be in nature while using cannabis or experiencing cannabis,” Applegarth says. “That speaks to the potential for the park.”
“Nature is the best pairing for cannabis, nature being pure and natural and authentic,” he adds. “The way cannabis enhances nature is a match made in heaven.”
Maybe so, but in the meantime McKenna and other officials need more information. “I don’t think we’ll be starting a marijuana campaign for the Adirondacks,” McKenna says. “I don’t see that in our future at this point in time.”
Cannabis consumers deserve and demand equal rights and protections under our laws that are currently afforded to the drinkers of far more dangerous and deadly, yet perfectly legal, widely accepted, endlessly advertised and even glorified as an All-American pastime, alcohol.
Plain and simple!
Legalize Nationwide!
It’s time for us, the majority of The People to take back control of our national marijuana policy. By voting OUT of office any and all politicians who very publicly and vocally admit to having an anti-cannabis, prohibitionist agenda! Time to vote’em all OUT of office. Period. Plain and simple.
Politicians who continue to demonize cannabis, Corrupt Law Enforcement Officials who prefer to ruin peoples lives over cannabis possession rather than solve real crimes who fund their departments toys and salaries with monies acquired through cannabis home raids, seizures and forfeitures, and so-called “Addiction Specialists” who make their income off of the judicial misfortunes of our citizens who choose cannabis, – Your actions go against The Will of The People and Your Days In Office Are Numbered! Find new careers before you don’t have one.
The People have spoken! Get on-board with Cannabis Legalization Nationwide, or be left behind and find new careers. Your choice.
The “War on Cannabis” has been a complete and utter failure. It is the largest component of the broader yet equally unsuccessful “War on Drugs” that has cost our country over a trillion dollars.
Instead of The United States wasting Billions upon Billions more of our yearly tax dollars fighting a never ending “War on Cannabis”, lets generate Billions of dollars, and improve the deficit instead. It’s a no brainer.
The Prohibition of Cannabis has also ruined the lives of many of our loved ones. In numbers greater than any other nation, our loved ones are being sent to jail and are being given permanent criminal records. Especially, if they happen to be of the “wrong” skin color or they happen to be from the “wrong” neighborhood. Which ruin their chances of employment for the rest of their lives, and for what reason?
Cannabis is much safer to consume than alcohol. Yet do we lock people up for choosing to drink?
Let’s end this hypocrisy now!
The government should never attempt to legislate morality by creating victim-less cannabis “crimes” because it simply does not work and costs the taxpayers a fortune.
Cannabis Legalization Nationwide is an inevitable reality that’s approaching much sooner than prohibitionists think and there is nothing they can do to stop it!
Legalize Nationwide! Support Each and Every Cannabis Legalization Initiative!
Spot on!
Pot-smokers on the roadways are causing serious injuries and deaths. But I haven’s seen these being tracked and reported, probably because it’s politically incorrect.
Perhaps local officials would do best to examine results of having cannabis dispensaries in other states, such as Colorado or nearby Massachusetts. They might find the presence of such retail businesses tend to cause little or no problems for the communities where they operate. They do tend to bring in tax revenues, though. Furthermore, why don’t local officials look at reality in other states instead of calling up fears based on misinformation. Oh, are other retail businesses that dispense drugs, bars and alcohol, okay?
“If people think they have the right to get stoned, like alcohol, the more you smoke the stupider you’re going to be.” Another ignorant politician dictating what the citizen can do. Put it up for a town vote and see what happens.
Stupider lol, people tend to eat and fall asleep after smoking to much marijuana ♀️ At least the ones I know.
I read that line too and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Typical uninformed politician. Or a giant hypocrite politician who smokes a J every night before bed.
The more you drink the stupider you get….
Seems to be working fine up in Akwesasne , Nice clean ,friendly and helpful dispensaries with knowledgeable staff , that DO check everyone’s ID ,even mine at 67 yrs old, with a fair price and filled parking lots. Haven’t heard of any extra trouble either out here in St Lawrence and Franklin ctys either . Seems other towns around here like Malone or Potsdam etc are just losing out and getting on the bus late. More worried about optics ,than responsible adults useing a plant that’s been around forever.
A remote tourist town that declines to take the tax revenue from legal cannabis? That is the definition of stupid.
Stodgy, Grinch-like establishment officials like the “Deputy Mayor” Pete Holdereidand and Jim McKinna are the reason young people from northern New England and New York are fleeing the northeast and moving to places like Colorado and Oregon.
Cannabis acceptance and legalization really needs to be nationwide. Existing obsolete Federal law makes it more difficult for producers, dispensaries, and users. The last I knew, transactions still need to be in cash (just like street dealers) because banks cannot legally process credit and check transactions. Talk about stupid. Dispensaries need to sit and transport mounds of cash, meaning they have to spend inordinate amounts on security due to cash-only transactions. Who uses cash any more? Criminals!! Don’t just make it “legal” – make it streamlined.
The entire Federal drug schedule needs to be re-valuated based on knowledge and fact, and not on fear and stereotypes. The next important step is to look closely at psilocybin and other naturally occurring compounds. The study of these extremely promising compounds is currently hamstrung by the same obsolete Federal law as cannabis prohibition. They have been found to be very effective for mental illnesses such as OCD, PTSD, bipolar, and depressive disorders. Mushrooms are both safe and cheap when used properly. No reason the compounds or ‘shrooms themselves cannot safely be sold alongside cannabis. We just need some open minds and the desire to drop the “war on drugs” from carpet bombing to targeted strikes on ACTUAL dangerous and addictive substances.
I would be in favor of dispensaries that are built with sustainability in mind, tasteful signage that fits with the ADK vibe. In terms of use, sitting or walking through quiet forests while stoned or not is one of the many wonderful activities in the Dacks. Just need to warn the stoners…please don’t bushwack while high, getting lost sucks. With community input the stores can be strategically located away from schools and playgrounds, have adequate parking. In colorado most disp’s are located on edge of town. In mass silver therapeutics is located in a nondescript strip mall in williamstown, another well out of town store is located off route 2o in Pittsfield. It would serve the politicos in ths dacks to check out those stores in high tourism areas
How many deaths will be directly caused by the use of caanabis?
B. S. question!
Nowhere near the deaths from alcohol, gun violence etc
B. S. question!
Nowhere near the deaths from alcohol, gun violence etc
My Adirondack experience aside ( non cannabis) it’s time to GROW IP America! People want to get high, booze, pot, on top if a peak… it’s human nature and no laws are going to change that.
Time to legalise nationally and reap the business & tax benefits!
I don’t care either way.
Casinos have no interest to me. Cigarettes.. no . Pot? No.
I can pass on all this high tax entertainment.
I go to the adirondacks for something else entirely.
I enjoy the outdoors and some of the farmers markets.
I like the part of the law that makes it legal to grow – but how will they make tax money on that?
Boreas, you are right on target!
I think we’ve pretty well proven that we’ve lost the war on drugs, so let’s reduce crime and incarceration costs as well…
Communities need to factor in the savings they would see in terms of law enforcement, court costs and jails…
How foolish and short-sighted would it be for communities who are financially stressed to turn down the increased tax money?
People would happily drive to a neighboring town to buy their ‘stash’, thereby depriving their home town of much needed income. This isn’t rocket science.
Pot-smokers on the roadways are causing serious injuries and deaths. But I haven’s seen these being tracked and reported, probably because it’s politically incorrect.