As of mid-December, we’ve published 500 stories in 2021, in addition to 27 photo galleries and dozens of videos to our YouTube channel. That’s pretty impressive, especially when you also consider the 1,125 stories, commentaries, news releases and other posts made to our community forum site Adirondack Almanack (.com).

Snakes, hiker permits, oh my!
Here are the 10 most-read stories of the year on the Explorer’s website:
- RATTLESNAKE SIGHTINGS: A rash of timber rattlesnake sightings in Essex and surrounding areas attracted some attention. READ MORE
- TROUT FISHING IN NYS: New regulations made a splash the day they took effect. READ MORE
- ALL ABOUT TIMBER RATTLERS: Snake expert William S. Brown provided a description of a usually elusive creature that has long played a role in the park’s ecosystem, and is protected by state law. READ MORE
- PERMIT QUESTIONS: This “frequently asked questions” about the Adirondack Mountain Reserve’s permit system provided information for hikers looking to learn more. READ MORE
- WHAT IN THE BLAZES: A man apologized for spray-painting his own markers on the trail up Cascade Mountain. READ MORE
- AMR DEBUTS PERMITS: In March, the Adirondack Mountain Reserve and NYS Department of Conservation announced a hiker permit system for popular High Peaks hikes that start out of the reserve. READ MORE
- THE LOSS OF A LEGEND: The passing of Adirondack boat maker Peter Hornbeck sent ripples beyond the region. READ MORE
- ROUTE 73 PARKING CLOSURES: The event that added the word “delineators” to the Adirondack lexicon. READ MORE
- ADIRONDACK WILDLIFE REFUGE: The operator of the popular Wilmington attraction surrenders her licenses and begins the process to rehome animals after years of state and federal violations.
READ MORE - WORD OF LIFE LODGE: A shuttered facility in Schroon Lake will gain new life as a resort, once the deal goes through. We announced the sale in this August article. READ MORE
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