Study: Development in Ontario limiting wolves’ range
By Mike Lynch
Study says a loss of habitat in southern Canada has made it more difficult for wolves to travel from the Laurentians to the Adirondacks.
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By Mike Lynch
Study says a loss of habitat in southern Canada has made it more difficult for wolves to travel from the Laurentians to the Adirondacks.
By Mike Lynch
“Canine Contrasts" features taxidermy mounts and skulls of wolves and coyotes and tells the story of the Cherry Valley wolf.
The state Assembly passed a controversial ban on wildlife killing contests that upstate Republican lawmakers largely opposed.
By Mike Lynch
Tests performed by state scientists have determined that the wolf killed in Otsego County in December 2021 ate a wild diet.
By Mike Lynch
The state Department of Environmental Conservation's species assessment identifies 6,000 square miles of habitat for the gray wolf in the park.
By Mike Lynch
The discovery of a gray wolf about 25 miles from the Adirondacks has galvanized wolf advocates in the park.
By Mike Lynch
This is the second lab that has come to this conclusion regarding an 85-pound canid killed in December.
By Mike Lynch
A DNA test paid for by wildlife advocates determined an 85-pound canid killed in Central New York was a wolf, but the state's test contradicts that finding.
By Mike Lynch
Wildlife advocates believe wolves could come back to the Adirondacks someday and want the state to facilitate their return. By Mike Lynch Standing in a snowy meadow in Wilmington, a wolf lifts its head and howls, breaking the near silence on a cold winter day. Just a few feet away Steve Hall watches the scene,…