Reading the river: Field surveys on the Ausable
In his hands-on exploration of the Ausable River, Gary Henry uncovers strategies for effective stream restoration amid changing environments
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Through its news reporting and analysis, the nonprofit Adirondack Explorer furthers the wise stewardship, public enjoyment for all, community vitality, and lasting protection of the Adirondack park.
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In his hands-on exploration of the Ausable River, Gary Henry uncovers strategies for effective stream restoration amid changing environments
See what's in the report, and what's been left out
Money from a $4.2 billion environmental bond act voters passed last fall is starting to flow, but so far, not to the Adirondacks.
After move from lake to well water, Tupper Lake looks to switch back
Adirondack Park Agency approves permit for 3rd Adirondack lake to use ProcellaCOR
While trucks were spreading less salt per mile, trip frequencies increased, monitors say
The annual summit, celebrating its eighth year, brings together road crews, water scientists and advocacy organizations interested in new approaches to winter road management.
Artists combine science and aesthetics to showcase the voices of local waters.
By James Odato
Task force suggests best practices and alternatives to salt on Adirondack roads