What you can do to help pollinators in the Adirondacks
By Holly Riddle
Learn the impactful ways you can aid Adirondack pollinators through simple yard work and gardening practices.
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By Mike Lynch
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to list monarch butterflies as threatened.
By Holly Riddle
Learn the impactful ways you can aid Adirondack pollinators through simple yard work and gardening practices.
By Holly Riddle
AdkAction’s Pollinator Project tackles growing crisis through plant sales, community gardens and more
By Mike Lynch
The U.S. Fish and Wildife Service announced December 15 that monarch butterflies deserve protection under the Endangered Species Act, but didn't propose to list them.
By Sara Ruberg
Eastern monarch populations have decreased by at least 80 percent in the past two decades, according to Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. The Western monarch, which migrates only on the coast of California, has declined by 99 percent. The entire North American population is currently under review to be placed under the Endangered Species Act.
By Sara Ruberg
A majority of global crops, like fruits and vegetables, rely on pollinators. They are in steep decline due to various factors including habitat loss and climate change.
Since 2016 the group has worked to spread the message that saving pollinators such as butterflies and bees is important for farms, food security and biodiversity in the Adirondacks.
The Wild Center hosted a presentation by Dr. Christina Grozinger, distinguished professor of entomology and director of the Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State University in late July. The research center is home to the largest group of pollinator researchers in the world.