NYS adds 965 acres near Cranberry Lake to Adirondack Forest Preserve
By Mike Lynch
The $870K purchase contributes to state conservation goals
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Through its news reporting and analysis, the nonprofit Adirondack Explorer furthers the wise stewardship, public enjoyment for all, community vitality, and lasting protection of the Adirondack park.
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By Phil Brown
New 965-acre state acquisition will enhance Oswegatchie River access for paddlers
By Mike Lynch
The $870K purchase contributes to state conservation goals
There were a number of sales, easements and land management projects across the 6-million-acre Adirondack Park.
By Mike Lynch
The Adirondack Land Trust has protected 27,606 acres through easements, land it bought and sold to the state, and by creating four preserves.
By Mike Lynch
The Vermont-based nonprofit land trust has a contract with New Timber, LLC, and hopes to purchase the property for $1.8 million by early July.
By Tim Rowland
Under Kim Elliman’s leadership, OSI protected, opened to the public more than 160,000 acres of mountains, forests and water in the Adirondacks
New York will be part of a national and international initiative to preserve 30% of its lands and waters by 2030.
By Phil Brown
The Open Space Institute has acquired more than four thousand acres in the southeastern Adirondacks in a deal that will help protect the watershed for the city of Amsterdam. Known as the Hans Creek property, the parcel contains land within the watershed of Amsterdam’s Steele and Ireland Vly reservoirs, including frontage on the Steele Reservoir.…
By Phil Brown
The Adirondack Land Trust, which split off from the Adirondack Nature Conservancy last year, has acquired 4.6 acres in Keene that form part of an iconic view of the region’s mountains. The parcel lies in a meadow that was once home to a beloved red barn. Following is a news release from the land trust.…
By Phil Brown
If you follow land conservation in the Adirondacks, you probably have heard of the Open Space Institute. It has helped preserve a lot of acres in the Adirondacks and elsewhere in New York State. Less well known is its program to help preserve farms in the Champlain Valley. Through the Klipper Family Fund the OSI…