Legislative roundup: Constitutional amendment, birds and bees protections see passage
Adirondack Park lawmakers disappointed with this year’s session
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Brian Greene discusses the challenges facing Adirondack Park as it loses its natural defenses against invasive species, emphasizing the role of herbicides in future conservation efforts
Adirondack Park lawmakers disappointed with this year’s session
Researchers release bugs in strategy to save Adirondack hemlocks
The New York State Hemlock Initiative released predator beetles, which eat invasive hemlock woolly adelgid, at Paradise Bay on Lake George.
The New York State Hemlock Initiative released predator beetles to eat the invasive hemlock woolly adelgid on Lake George
Invasive species known for killing ash and hemlock trees have spread beyond where they were originally discovered in the southern Adirondack Park.
The endless fight against invasive species continued apace in 2021
The state is using all of its tools in the toolbox—or in this case, a cooler—to treat the trees on Lake George
The silver flies' mission: To mate, lay their eggs and let their hatched babies devour the eggs of their prey, hemlock woolly adelgid.
A partnership of organizations is asking for the public's help to search the Lake George area for hemlock woolly adelgid, an invasive bug that kills one of the area's most prolific and iconic trees.