John Ernst’s Adirondack legacy
Adirondack Park Agency Chairman John Ernst reflects on his service and family legacy.
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Adirondack Park Agency Chairman John Ernst reflects on his service and family legacy.
Posting for deputy director promises path to top job
Johnsburg Supervisor Andrea Hogan will remain supervisor and commissioner of the Adirondack Park Agency until the terms expire, she said.
The Adirondack Explorer caught up with DEC Forester Bryan Ellis on carbon sequestration and the changing climate.
Colleagues herald Nicole Hylton-Patterson's work launching diversity programs, projects across the region
By Mike Lynch
Invasive species expert talks about insect that could threaten several tree species
By Kris Parker
Fundraising efforts going to buy needed medical equipment, amid dwindling support
By James Odato
Known for working with environmentalists, community leaders and land barons, Timothy Barnett conserved 500,000 acres in the Adirondacks.
Meet one of the scientists charged with monitoring air quality for the Adirondacks and surrounding regions
One woman’s retirement has become over 15 years of dedication to Indian Lake