Categories Results:
Did a hunter kill a wolf in New York?
By Mike Lynch
August 24, 2022
A DNA test paid for by wildlife advocates determined an 85-pound canid killed in Central New York was a wolf, but the state's test contradicts that finding.
Hummingbird research: Banding the tiniest of birds
By Mike Lynch
July 6, 2022
Ted Hicks, who is the Crown Point Bird Banding Station Coordindator, bands hummingbirds from May to August.
Meet a woman dedicated to helping turtles
July 3, 2022
Wildlife rehabilitator has shaped her life around patching shells of turtles who have been hit by cars or sustained other injuries
Going for a hike with my new friend Merlin
By Tim Rowland
June 30, 2022
Backcountry birding just got more interesting, thanks to a mobile phone app
Avian flu found in Northern NY
April 30, 2022
Public asked to report cases of sick or dead birds, both wild and domestic