Photos through the years at the Mountaineer
By Mike Lynch
December 22, 2018
The Mountaineer gear shop in Keene Valley changed ownership toward the end of 2018.
The only independent, nonprofit news organization solely dedicated to reporting on the Adirondack Park.
Through its news reporting and analysis, the nonprofit Adirondack Explorer furthers the wise stewardship, public enjoyment for all, community vitality, and lasting protection of the Adirondack park.
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By Mike Lynch
December 22, 2018
The Mountaineer gear shop in Keene Valley changed ownership toward the end of 2018.
By Mike Lynch
December 20, 2018
Standing at the Sawyer Mountain trail register, his snowshoes pushing through more than a foot of snow, Ned yelled out: “The last person to sign the register was six days ago.”
By Mike Lynch
October 31, 2018
The northern Adirondacks has been cold and wet, with the region experiencing several snowfalls in late October. The snow isn't sticking to the ground in the lower elevations yet due to above-freezing ground temperatures, but it's been cold enough that ice has developed on some small ponds.
By Mike Lynch
October 16, 2018
Crown Point bridge, Four Brothers Islands, and Rouses Point are a few of the places where you can find them in large numbers. The dark birds have also been showing up in interior Adirondack lakes. I noticed one myself in September on Mirror Lake. Explorer Editor Brandon Loomis noticed several cormorants on Raquette Lake during the same time period.
By Mike Lynch
October 15, 2018
Former Explorer Editor Phil Brown shared some photos with us that he took last week from Newcomb and Long Lake. You can see them in the gallery above. Brown was out working on the new edition of his guidebook Adirondack Paddling, which will likely be available next year.
By Mike Lynch
October 12, 2018
Jack pines are dependent upon fires. Their cones remain closed until they are exposed to the heat of a forest fire.
By Mike Lynch
August 31, 2018
As the days are getting cooler and shorter, more and more monarch butterflies are starting their big migration to Mexico, where they will spend the winter before starting their migration northward in the spring.
By Mike Lynch
August 30, 2018
Located less than two miles upstream of Ausable Forks, the Jay town board voted in March of 2017 to remove the Rome Dam after an engineering study found that it posed a threat to residents downstream because of its potential to fail. The engineering study found that it was structurally unsound and would be especially vulnerable during a flood.