Hiker Missing In High Peaks Wilderness
By Mike Lynch
A large-scale search is underway for a hiker who didn’t return from a daytrip up Gothics Mountain on Sunday.
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By Mike Lynch
A large-scale search is underway for a hiker who didn’t return from a daytrip up Gothics Mountain on Sunday.
The Wild Center hosted a presentation by Dr. Christina Grozinger, distinguished professor of entomology and director of the Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State University in late July. The research center is home to the largest group of pollinator researchers in the world.
The Adirondack Loon Center opens in Saranac Lake with more space and plans to grow. The group's work focuses on mercury research and education of fishermen and the general public about loon protection.
By Mike Lynch
The state Department of Environmental Conservation is working on new regulations to address drone use on the Forest Preserve. Some fear the airborne devices will diminish the wild character of the Forest Preserve
By Mike Lynch
Why would a climber want to visit something called Moss Cliff? Though the name conjures up some dank, low-angled slab wrapped in a living green carpet, the reality is quite different. This best of Adirondack cliffs is not so mossy. In fact, it’s among the cleanest, driest, most appealing rock walls in the Northeast—in Don Mellor's opinion, the most Adirondack of all Adirondack crags.
By Mike Lynch
DEC is relying on education and the efforts of partner groups to deal with the increasing number of hikers who have been coming to the High Peaks region.
David Thomas-Train explores threes family-friendly hikes west of Lake George. The hikes are located on Pole Hill, Amy's Park, and Goodwin's Preserve.
By Mike Lynch
Forest rangers found a 49-year-old Saratoga County man alive but exhausted Wednesday, July 5, after he spent two unplanned nights in the woods after getting lost near the summit of Nippletop Mountain.
By Phil Brown
Seneca Rocks in West Virginia is billed as the only peak in the eastern United States that can’t be summited by a mere hike. You need (or should have) ropes, helmets, and other rock-climbing gear. If you ever have the chance to see Seneca Rocks close up, you’ll see why. Seneca actually has two peaks,…
By Mike Lynch
Spencer Morrissey’s goal is to hike all of the Adirondacks mountains that are open to the public, or that he’s allowed to do through permission of the landowners. He’s counted 1,817 possible peaks.